The Bear Cards® Ice Breakers
These short activities are designed to get you acquainted with using The Bear Cards® and can be a fun introduction to any group or meeting.
- Books
- Deal a card to each person.
- Ask each person to look at their card and name the feeling.
- Ask each person to talk about a book that makes them feel this way.
- Famous People
Famous People
- Deal a card to each person.
- Ask each person to look at their card and name the feeling.
- Ask each person to talk about a famous person that they feel this way about.
- Movies
- Deal a card to each person.
- Ask each person to look at their card and name the feeling.
- Ask each person to talk about a scene from a movie that made them feel this way.
- Songs
- Deal a card to each person.
- Ask each person to look at their card and name the feeling.
- Ask each person to talk about a song that makes them feel this way.
- Time and Place
Time and Place
- Deal a card to each person.
- Ask each person to look at their card and name the feeling.
- Ask each person to talk about a time or a situation that would bring out this feeling in them.
- Yesterday
- Spread out the cards, face up.
- Each person chooses a card that says something about the way they felt yesterday.
- Take turns to show your card to the group. Discuss how you felt and why.